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The most up-to-date and accurate information on Veteran Nexus Letters, Telemedicine, VA medical claims, benefits, and ratings, for veterans worldwide.

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The Complete PACT Act Presumptive Conditions List  

The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, or VA PACT Act, added more than 20 additional presumptive conditions for burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic exposures.   This guide will cover all of the conditions on the PACT Act presumptive conditions list, including eligibility requirements. PACT […]
Mental HealthNexus LetterPhysical Conditions

Top 4 Secondary Conditions to Tinnitus 

Tinnitus can significantly affect daily life, but the side effects are more pronounced when coupled with a secondary condition.    There are several secondary conditions to tinnitus, and understanding your eligibility may increase your monthly VA benefits.   This guide will cover the top four secondary conditions to tinnitus. We’ll explain more about VA secondary conditions, how […]

Secondary Conditions to PTSD 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant condition on its own, but when you add a secondary condition, life can become even more crippling.  There are several secondary conditions to PTSD, and knowing whether you qualify can significantly impact your monthly VA benefits.  It’s common for veterans to file secondary VA claims if their PTSD […]

GERD VA Disability Rating Changes  

On March 19th, 2024, the VA announced several changes to the rating criteria for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and fifty-four other medical conditions.  In this post, we examine what the VA is changing and how it impacts your GERD VA disability rating.  What is Changing? The most notable change is the complete restructuring of the […]

Sleep Apnea Secondary to Allergic Rhinitis Nexus Letter  

If your VA claim was denied or you didn’t receive the disability rating you deserve, you may be missing crucial information like a nexus letter.   A nexus letter frequently proves to be the missing link when service-connecting your condition to your military service.   In this post, we’ll discuss how a sleep apnea secondary to allergic […]

Nexus Letter for Sleep Apnea Secondary to Asthma

Do you need a nexus letter for sleep apnea secondary to asthma? A nexus letter is frequently the missing link to receiving a winning VA disability claim.   It’s common for veterans to develop asthma due to toxin, smoke, or burn pit exposure causing an inflammation of the airways which may increase the chances of developing […]

Nexus Letter for Sleep Apnea Secondary to Sinusitis

Is a nexus letter for sleep apnea secondary to sinusitis your missing link? If you’ve received a denied claim, you’ll want to understand the significant impact a nexus letter can make.  In this guide, we’ll cover how a nexus letter impacts your VA disability claim, the steps to get service connected for sleep apnea secondary […]

VA Disability Rating for Knee Replacements

When it comes to veterans navigating the complexities of VA disability ratings, particularly concerning knee replacements, understanding the intricacies of the VA disability rating system is crucial. In this guide, we will delve into the specifics of VA disability rating for knee replacements, shedding light on total knee replacement VA disability ratings and addressing common […]

What Veterans Can Do About Chronic Pain

While unfortunate, if you’re a veteran experiencing chronic pain, there is some relief. In addition to the suggestions below, you can get help from veteran-friendly providers to help diagnose and treat your chronic pain. With the proper medical evidence and treatment plan, you can address your chronic pain head on and manage your symptoms.
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