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The most up-to-date and accurate information on Veteran Nexus Letters, Telemedicine, VA medical claims, benefits, and ratings, for veterans worldwide.

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Mental HealthNexus LetterPhysical Conditions

Top 4 Secondary Conditions to Tinnitus 

Tinnitus can significantly affect daily life, but the side effects are more pronounced when coupled with a secondary condition.    There are several secondary conditions to tinnitus, and understanding your eligibility may increase your monthly VA benefits.   This guide will cover the top four secondary conditions to tinnitus. We’ll explain more about VA secondary conditions, how […]
Mental HealthVeteran Resources

VA MST Screening Questions

This guide will cover VA MST screening questions, MST support and resources, and how the VA rates MST.    If you have experienced military sexual trauma (MST), it’s essential to understand you’re not alone and that help is available.    Since MST is an experience, not a diagnosis, it affects everyone differently.    The VA recognizes the significant […]

Secondary Conditions to PTSD 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a significant condition on its own, but when you add a secondary condition, life can become even more crippling.  There are several secondary conditions to PTSD, and knowing whether you qualify can significantly impact your monthly VA benefits.  It’s common for veterans to file secondary VA claims if their PTSD […]

Recurring Therapy for Veterans with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects about 20% of US military Veterans. It is also a major cause of mortality for these men and women. While PTSD extends beyond the military, war Veterans are especially susceptible to this condition.

PTSD Nexus Letters  

In this post, we’ll explore the value of a nexus letter for PTSD. We’ll also examine the role a nexus letter can play in helping you get the PTSD VA rating you deserve.   PTSD is more common in veterans than civilians, and some studies show PTSD is three times more likely among deployed veterans compared […]

Nexus Letter for Sleep Apnea Secondary to PTSD

Was your sleep apnea VA disability claim denied?  Or maybe you’ve received multiple denied VA disability claims.  Do you need a medical professional to draft a sleep apnea nexus letter to help you establish a service connection to claim sleep apnea secondary to your PTSD? Don’t worry. You’ve come to the right place. In this […]

What is a VA Psych Evaluation?

If you or someone you love has a mental health condition, you understand its toll on daily life. A VA psych evaluation is essential to determine whether your mental health condition relates to your service time.  A VA psych eval can be important in determining your final disability rating, including your due compensation. Diagnosing mental […]

Mental Health Evaluation 7 Key Facts for Veterans

As you prepare to submit a claim for VA disability, you may be asked to attend a mental health evaluation. But what is a mental health evaluation, and do you need one before you submit your VA claim? This post will look at 7 key facts to guide you through the process of your mental health evaluation,

What Is a Mental Health Evaluation?

Before veterans can receive help from the VA, they have to go through a mental health evaluation. This evaluation is the first step towards a diagnosis and treatment from the VA. Here’s what you need to know about what a mental health evaluation is and how to best prepare for it.
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