Telemedica Blog
The most up-to-date and accurate information on Veteran Nexus Letters, Telemedicine, VA medical claims, benefits, and ratings, for veterans worldwide.
6 Common VA Secondary Conditions to Migraines
Chronic (long-term) migraines often cause or worsen other severe conditions, such as sleep, mood, and digestive disorders. If you are a veteran, receiving, or applying for migraine disability compensation, you may be interested in knowing that if your service-connected migraine condition leads to a VA-ratable secondary condition, you could be entitled to a higher VA […]
Nexus Letter for Sleep Apnea Secondary to Depression
If your VA claim was denied or you didn’t receive the disability rating you deserve, you may benefit from a nexus letter. A nexus letter helps connect your condition to your military service while providing validity to your VA claim. In this post, we’ll explore how a nexus letter for sleep apnea secondary to depression […]
How to Talk About PTSD A Veteran’s Guide
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects many veterans, frequently because of traumatic experiences encountered during their service. However, talking about PTSD isn’t always easy, especially due to the stigma around mental health conditions. The post is to help guide veterans with PTSD through essential conversations in a way that is respectful and supportive. Understanding PTSD Before you […]
7 Physical Symptoms of PTSD in Veterans
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is primarily known for its psychological, emotional, and mood symptoms, but it can have a significant impact on your life in other ways. PTSD can lead to physical symptoms that affect daily life, from trouble sleeping and muscle tension to chronic pain and digestive issues. Recognizing when physical signs of PTSD manifest […]
6 Common Medical Conditions Secondary to PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that affects both combat and non-combat veterans. PTSD often comes with symptoms that cause occupational and social impairment. But PTSD can also cause other health problems called PTSD secondary conditions. If you are a veteran with PTSD, it is possible to develop PTSD secondary conditions like sleep apnea, […]
Service Connecting Migraines Secondary to PTSD
If you suffer from migraines secondary to PTSD, you may be entitled to additional VA compensation and benefits. A secondary service connection occurs when a current service-connected condition causes or aggravates another disability, expanding your ability to claim VA benefits. This post will explain the following: Keep reading to learn more about how […]
VA Secondary Conditions to Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression are common mental health issues among veterans, and they can often lead to or exacerbate secondary conditions. Understanding the various VA secondary conditions to anxiety and depression is crucial, as these conditions can significantly affect your quality of life. This guide examines common VA secondary conditions to anxiety and depression. We’ll discuss […]
Top 4 Secondary Conditions to Tinnitus
Tinnitus can significantly affect daily life, but the side effects are more pronounced when coupled with a secondary condition. There are several secondary conditions to tinnitus, and understanding your eligibility may increase your monthly VA benefits. This guide will cover the top four secondary conditions to tinnitus. We’ll explain more about VA secondary conditions, how […]
VA MST Screening Questions
This guide will cover VA MST screening questions, MST support and resources, and how the VA rates MST. If you have experienced military sexual trauma (MST), it’s essential to understand you’re not alone and that help is available. Since MST is an experience, not a diagnosis, it affects everyone differently. The VA recognizes the significant […]