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The most up-to-date and accurate information on Veteran Nexus Letters, Telemedicine, VA medical claims, benefits, and ratings, for veterans worldwide.

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Mental HealthNexus LetterPhysical Conditions

6 Common VA Secondary Conditions to Migraines 

Chronic (long-term) migraines often cause or worsen other severe conditions, such as sleep, mood, and digestive disorders. If you are a veteran, receiving, or applying for migraine disability compensation, you may be interested in knowing that if your service-connected migraine condition leads to a VA-ratable secondary condition, you could be entitled to a higher VA […]

8 Common VA Secondary Conditions to Hypertension

High blood pressure (i.e., hypertension) affects 48.1% of Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The chronic (long-term) condition is one of the most common illnesses impacting veterans today, possibly due to the unique stressors experienced during military service. When undiagnosed, uncontrolled, or left untreated, hypertension is known to cause or […]

How a GERD DBQ Strengthens Your VA Claim

Researchers estimate that approximately 20% of people in the U.S. have a gastrointestinal disorder called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).   If you were diagnosed with GERD, you most likely know how its symptoms can interfere with your day-to-day life because GERD is more than just an occasional experience of indigestion.   If you feel your GERD was […]
Nexus LetterPhysical ConditionsWeight Management

Service Connecting VA Sleep Apnea Secondary to Weight Gain as an Intermediate Step 

For many veterans, sleep apnea is not just an isolated condition—it’s linked to other issues like weight gain, medication side effects, or service-connected physical limitations. Fortunately, you may be able to connect these factors through an intermediate step making a case for sleep apnea as secondary to your existing conditions. In this post, we’ll explain […]

Nexus Letter for Sleep Apnea Secondary to Depression 

If your VA claim was denied or you didn’t receive the disability rating you deserve, you may benefit from a nexus letter.  A nexus letter helps connect your condition to your military service while providing validity to your VA claim.   In this post, we’ll explore how a nexus letter for sleep apnea secondary to depression […]

How to Get a Nexus Letter

Understanding how to get a nexus letter can prove vital when filing your claim for VA disability benefits.    A solid nexus letter can be the difference between a denied or approved VA claim, so getting this document correct is essential.  This post will explain how to get a nexus letter, the value of getting a […]

6 Common Medical Conditions Secondary to PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that affects both combat and non-combat veterans.   PTSD often comes with symptoms that cause occupational and social impairment. But PTSD can also cause other health problems called PTSD secondary conditions.   If you are a veteran with PTSD, it is possible to develop PTSD secondary conditions like sleep apnea, […]

VA Dental Disability Ratings 

As a veteran, you may qualify for a VA disability rating for dental conditions, which could cover some or all of your dental care through the VA.   The good news is that if you don’t qualify for a dental VA disability rating, you may still be able to get dental insurance at a discounted rate […]

Service Connecting Migraines Secondary to PTSD

If you suffer from migraines secondary to PTSD, you may be entitled to additional VA compensation and benefits.   A secondary service connection occurs when a current service-connected condition causes or aggravates another disability, expanding your ability to claim VA benefits.   This post will explain the following:  Keep reading to learn more about how […]
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