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The most up-to-date and accurate information on Veteran Nexus Letters, Telemedicine, VA medical claims, benefits, and ratings, for veterans worldwide.

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Mental Health

6 Ways to Cope with Mental Illness

Many people are quick to thank our servicemen and women for their time in the military, but not everyone considers what that time may have cost them—and, more importantly, what it continues to cost our veterans after they return to civilian life.
Physical Conditions

Could Your Migraines Be Service Connected?

If you are a veteran and suffer from frequent migraines, you may be able to receive VA disability for headaches. Migraines are common among veterans—roughly 36 percent of veterans who served in Iraq for a year have been diagnosed with or experienced symptoms of migraines.
Veteran Resources

Veterans Telehealth Services

If you are a veteran seeking health benefits, obtaining a diagnosis through telehealth services can be the first step on your path to living a happier and healthier life. At Telemedica, we understand the challenges involved in getting the care, treatment, and benefits that Veterans need.

25 Organizations That Help Veterans

No one mistakes military service as easy, but not everyone recognizes just how greatly Veterans have sacrificed during their time in the service. Fortunately, there are organizations out there that recognize the sacrifices our soldiers have made and they are working to give Veterans the support they need in their lives post-discharge.

How to Cope with the Suicide of a Loved One

At Telemedica, we hope that no one has to face these difficult feelings and experiences without help. That’s why we’ve put together this post explaining how to cope with the suicide of a loved one. As navigating through the time after a loss can feel overwhelming, we hope these recommendations will help you find your path to healing.

How to Cope with Veteran Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is something a lot of people deal with, but suffering from it isn’t as common among younger age groups. Typically, chronic pain develops as a result of a progressing medical condition, or due to the wear and tear of getting older.

How to Recognize Depression in Yourself

Some people may casually say they’re feeling depressed when they have a rough day or feel down, but clinical depression goes deeper than that. Depression can slowly dampen many aspects of your life, and you might not even notice it yourself.

“I Have Frequent Nightmares; Should I Be Concerned?”

Dreams and nightmares are a mysterious part of our sleep patterns and the subconscious mind. Scientists are still trying to reach a consensus on why we dream at all. However, some believe that dreams may help us process our emotions that we experience during the day.

How to Help a Family Member with Mental Illness

If you’re wondering how to help a family member with mental illness, you’re in the right place. This post will help prepare you for candid discussions about mental illness, and how to support those who struggle with mental health (even if that person is you).
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